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What’s the best diet? The secret. There isn’t one. As a nutrition coach, my job is to help you understand food and to help you achieve your goals in the way that’s best for you.


Nutrition is a critical part of one's health and performance. Improving an individual's nutrition is linked to better human development, decreased risks of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and longevity. 

Food can get complicated and even seem contradictory at some times. Having a guide to help you navigate facts from myths, gimmicks and fads to evidence-based methods and sustainable changes. Learn the fundamentals of Nutrition Composition, Nutrition Timing and Food Orientation and how to apply them in real life


As I mentioned earlier, there is no one perfect diet, and that is because people are unique in their own and dynamic (Situations change, preference changes, development and regression happen). Receive guides to build knowledge, strategies and examples of how to succeed

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